Hey guys youtube VOXs here and welcome to another blog post, today we will talk about the ores minecraft and its protection as armor:
Gold ore:
Gold ore is an ore type usually found in clusters 2-8 blocks (sometimes up to 16 if two clusters are generated next, and 1 if the block was to be gold was replaced by a cave or dungeon). It is found at elevations ranging from 0 (the bottom of the map) to 35 (about halfway between sea level and the bottom of the map). 32 up to high it is found in 0.1% of the blocks, and above 32 its abundance drops sharply. Can be mined with a pickaxe of iron or diamond. Gold ore can be smelted in a furnace to create gold ingots. Tools made of gold draw things much faster than diamond, but are not very durable. Gold bullions can also be used to create clocks and rails with propulsion.
ipo solid block
No gravity
Not transparency
Not bright
Resist. the explosion [edit]?
Stackable Yes (64)
Values Given dec: 14 hex: 0D
Mining coal:
Iron ore Coal is the most common mineral in almost all maps. It is found at any elevation. Pieces of coal are extracted from ore using coal any pick. Pieces of coal can be combined with a stick to make torches, or used as fuel in a furnace or Minecart. When used in the furnace, it provides 8 uses for each unit.
In Survival Test, ore coal gave the player 1-4 slabs. May be placed on creative mode version (0:28).
Currently in Beta mode, mining coal gives a piece of coal. Coal blocks are easy to find and are the only ore which appears just above sea level; ore coal contains 1% rocks, regardless of the altitude. Common deposits vary greatly in size - clusters at the top of the mountain are usually limited to five blocks, but underground they can reach up to 50 blocks.
Solid Block Type
No gravity
Not transparency
Not bright
Resist. the explosion [edit]?
Stackable Yes (64)
First Appearance 0.0.14a (2)
Values Given dec: 16 hex: 10
Diamond ore:
Diamond is a mineral ore block generally regarded as the most valuable and rare blocks (although not as rare as ore emerald). When mined with a pickaxe of iron or diamond, he drops a diamond. Even the diamond ore block can be obtained by mining with a pickaxe of iron or diamond delighted Skill Touch.
Solid Block Type
No gravity
Not transparency
Not bright
Resist. the explosion [edit]?
Stackable Yes (64)
First Appearance Indev 12:31
Values Given dec: 56 hex: 38
Iron Ore:
Iron ore is a type of unusual mineral found in clusters underground. It occurs at elevations ranging from 0 (the bottom of the map) and 67 (5 blocks above sea level). It is found in approximately 0.55% of the blocks below sea level, and 67 up high abundance drops sharply. In Survival Test, its only function was to give the player an iron block is extracted. Was introduced in Creative mode in version 0:28.
In Indev, Alpha and Beta, iron ore can be smelted in a furnace to create Iron Bars. Iron bars are used to make quality tools average armor, lighter, iron blocks, iron doors, buckets, minecarts, rails and compasses.
In Beta, iron ore requires a pickaxe stone, iron and diamond to be mined. Iron ore is often used in traps since it can be extracted and placed in its raw form.
Solid Block Type
No gravity
Not transparency
Not bright
Resist. the explosion [edit]?
Stackable Yes (64)
First Appearance 0.0.14a (2)
Values Given dec: 15 hex: 0F
Ore lapis-lazuli:
Lapis lazuli is a block ore that is used to make decorative blocks and blue dyes. As coal, redstone, emerald and diamond, the block produces the feature immediately after mining, without elaboration or casting. It produces 4-8 ores of lapis lazuli, which can be used to create dyes, blocks of lapis lazuli, or mixed with other colors. Lapis lazuli is based on real stone and has historically been a rare and valuable stone used in jewelry and as a dye. Lapis lazuli can be mined with a stone pickaxe or better. It is generally found at a depth of 31 or below. The highest concentration of ore lapis lazuli is found between levels 13:16. At this level, the concentration is about 0.083% of all blocks (0.1013% stone). The concentration falls linearly as you move away from one of these lines. Overall, lapis lazuli is about 1.1 times more common than diamond ore with an average of 3.43 per piece of lapis lazuli.
Type Solid Block
No gravity
Not transparency
Not bright
Resist. the explosion [edit]?
Stackable Yes (64)
First Appearance Beta 1.2
Values Given dec: 21 hex: 15
lapis lazuli.
Ore redstone:
Redstone ore is the way the Redstone takes when a map created in Beta. The block was added in version 1.0.1 Alpha (Seecret Friday update 3) on July 3, 2010.
Redstone ore drops 4-5 blocks of Redstone Dust when mined with Iron Pickaxe or better. Redstone ore forms in veins made 1-10 blocks. This makes it relatively easy to obtain large amounts of Redstone.
If a player clicks the right or left button on it, or an entity moves or falls on Redstone ore, the block will emit light level 9 for 3 seconds.
Redstone ore veins form in the lower layers of the map 16. Under the 14 °, can be found in 1025% of stone. There is an average of 25 blocks of redstone ore per chunk.
Feedstock Type
Durability N / A
Stackable Yes (64)
Values Given dec: 331 hex: 14B
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